May 23, 2018

Real Time Operating Systems Importance - MID Sem Excercise

Question.1What is Real time Systems and Categories of Real time Systems with example ?.Identify with justification the type of real time system used in the following scenarios. 

a)      Bank security based system to gain access into the safety vault
b)      Pantry service in an IT company to deliver snacks and Beverages
c)      Fire alarm setting in a server room
d)     Flight simulator video game

e)      Battery operated toy robot used at home for normal routine task.
Answer:  Real time systems are systems that need to run continuously and take decisions in a timely manner.

Categories of Real time Systems: There are 2 broad categories.
  • Hard Real Time Systems
  • Soft Real Time Systems
Hard Real time Systems:
  • Failure to meet deadlines lead to catastrophe
  • Example would be an automatic flight control scenario
Soft Real Time Systems:
  • Failure to meet deadlines would not cause everlasting damages
  • Examples could range from a video game to washing machines, etc
Identification of Hard and Soft Real Time Systems
(a)    Bank security based system to gain access into the safety vault-Hard RTOs
(b)   Pantry service in an IT company to deliver snacks and Beverages-Soft RTOs
(c)    Fire alarm setting in a server room-Hard RTOs
(d)    Flight simulator video game-Soft RTOs
(e)    Battery operated toy robot used at home for normal routine tasks-Soft RTOs

Question.2.  Elements/Terms used in Real time Systems.

  1. Resources – Basically this can be a CPU, memory, time or any resource directly related to a task.
  2. Tasks– A set of programs that may have to run on the real time system to accomplish the system’s underlying functionality of a particular application.[A task can be aperiodic if the jobs in it have soft or no deadlines]
  3. Algorithm – This is basically a scheduling algorithm that decides the quantum of resource a task should utilize and also ensure that no task must have fallen short of resources.
  4. Execution time: Execution time is an essential temporal parameter as it decides the duration of a job. Two types : Minimum execution time and Maximum execution time.
  5. Period - Minimum time interval between release times of consecutive jobs.
  6. Task utilization: Task utilization is the ratio of execution time of a task to its period                                                                – Ui = ei/pi. [should be less than or equal to unity]
  7. Makespan: The makespan is the completion time of the last job in the sequence or The makespan is the sum of all the processing times.
  8.  Periodic Task: If jobs have predictable release times, a task is termed aperiodic. 
  9. Aperiodic Task: If jobs have unpredictable release times, a task is termed aperiodic.
  10. Sporadic Task: A sporadic task is an aperiodic task where jobs have deadlines once released.

Question.3. Characteristics of a real time system as well as components. Differentiate the schedulability test among all algorithm.

AnswerCharacteristics for a Real Time System:
  • Timely in nature
  • Capable of handling exceptions
  • Reliable
  • Fault tolerant
  • Sub-optimal
Components for a Real Time System:
  • Job
  • Task
  • Control law computation
Schedulability analysis:

Note: EDF for tasks with D <= T, It's more complicated (out of scope of the course according to me)

Question.4. Tasks parameters.

Answer: Any task is defined by the following parameters.
  • Release time: It is the time at which task is available for execution.
  • Deadline : It is the time by which the task execution must complete.
    • Relative deadline : It is the maximum allowable response time.
    • Absolute deadline : It is the sum of the relative deadline and its release time.
  • Response time is the time interval from the release time of the task to its completion time

Question.5. Check the schedulability of the independent, preemptable, tasks T1(3, 1), T2(5, 2), and T3(8,3); whether they are schedulable using the rate monotonic algorithm.

Check schedulability:

1. First constraint(Precise test):
                     Total utilization U ≤ 1 .

                                                U = ∑ Ei / Pi =1/3+2/5+3/8= 0.33 + 0.4 + 0.38 = 1.11 > 1

                   Hence the tasks are not schedulable under RM algorithm.

2. Second constraint: UB Test(Utilization bound)

                      Again we need to prove that

                                       where n is the number of task need to schedule.

                                     1.11 ≤ 3 .(21/3 – 1) = 3. (1.26 - 1) = 3 . 0.26 = 0.78

        => 1.11 ≤ 0.78 is False. We can conclude from here that the tasks are not schedulable
             according to RM algorithm.

Question.6.  Difference between EDF and RM.

EDF characteristics:
  • Dynamic Priority Scheduling Algorithm
  • Schedule on deadline basis; i.e., earliest deadline jobs need to execute first.
  • Here Preemption is allowed.
RM characteristics:
  • Fixed/Static Priority Scheduling Algorithm
  • Schedule on priority basis; i.e., higher priority jobs need to execute first.
  • Here Preemption is allowed

Question.7.  A system consists of three periodic tasks: T1=(3, 1), T2=(5, 2) and T3=(8, 3). Suppose we want to reduce the execution time of the task with period 8 in order to make the task system schedulable according to the earliest deadline first (EDF) algorithm. What is the minimum amount of reduction necessary for the system to be schedulable by the EDF algorithm?

AnswerThe tasks can be scheduled provided the total utilization is ≤ 1
       u1 + u2 + u3 ≤ 1
=> u1 + u2 + E3/p3 ≤ 1
=> 0.33 + 0.4 + E3/8 ≤ 1
=> E3 should be reduced from 3 to 2.16
Hence the modified Tasks are
 T1=(3, 1), T2=(5, 2) and T3=(8, 2.16)

Question.8. What is meant by online scheduling of tasks?  Name the algorithm which would be used?

Answer : Online Scheduling
  • Online scheduling is done at run-time based on the information about the tasks arrived so far.
  • If the scheduler creates each scheduling choice without knowledge about the jobs that will be released in the future, then scheduling is said to be done online. 
  • Scheduling is done online when we use an online scheduling algorithm.
  • Online scheduling can accommodate dynamic variant in user demands and resource readiness but it cannot make the top use of system resource.
Algorithms Used for Online Scheduling:
  • Static priority driven algorithms
    • assign fixed priorities to the tasks before the start of the system. 
    • Rate monotonic (RM) scheduling algorithm is a uni-processor static-priority preemptive scheme.
    • Priority inheritance protocol (PIP) dynamically changes the priority of a task if it is blocking a higher priority task. 
    • Priority ceiling protocol (PCP) avoids deadlock by taking each semaphore allocated a priority ceiling which is the priority of the uppermost priority task that practices it.
  • Dynamic priority driven algorithms 
    • assign the priorities to tasks during run-time. 
    • Earliest deadline first (EDF) is a dynamic priority driven scheduling algorithm which gives tasks priority based on deadline.
    • Least laxity first (LLF) also known as least slack time, is a dynamic priority driven scheduling algorithm that assigns priority based on the laxity.

Question.9: What is RMScheduling ? Check if the following tasks are schedulable by RM scheduling algorithm T(e,d) { T1(3,4), T2(4,5) , T3(5,6) and T4(6,7) }.

RM Scheduling:  It's an important event-driven scheduling algorithm, RMA assigns priorities to tasks based on their rates of occurrence. The lower the incidence rate for a job, the lower priority will be given. The priority of a task is inversely proportional to its period (or, directly proportional to its rate).

The following are some important criteria that can be used to check the schedulability of a set of tasks set under RMA.
  • First Constraint: A set of periodic real-time tasks will not be scheduled until the RMA is completed, as long as they do not meet the following required condition.
                                                       Total utilization = ∑ Ei / Pi 
                                                       Total utilization U ≤ 1
  • Second Constraint:  The below condition should satisfy i.e. Utilization Bound Test

Given:  T1(3,4), T2(4,5) , T3(5,6) and T4(6,7)

Check schedulability:

1. First constraint(Precise test):
                     Total utilization U ≤ 1 .
                        In this case the task is in order T(e,d)
                             Therefore ,    Ei or e = execution time 
                                                   Di or d = period or Pi

                   Now by the formula          U = ∑ Ei / Pi 
                                                             U = 3/4+4/5+5/6+6/7
                                                             U = 0.75 + 0.8 + 0.83 + 0.85
                                                             U =3.23 > 1

                   Hence the tasks are not schedulable under RM algorithm.

2. Second Constraint(Utilization bound Test):  Again we need to prove that,


                                     3.23 ≤ 4 *(21/4 – 1) = 4* (1.18 - 1) = 4 * 0.18 = 0.72

        => 3.23 ≤ 0.72 is False. We can conclude from here that the tasks are not schedulable

             according to RM algorithm.

Therefore the tasks T1(3,4), T2(4,5), T3(5,6) and T4(6,7) are not schedulable by RM scheduling algorithm.

Question.10.: Consider the task set: {(1,3),(1,5),(1,6),(2,10)}, is task 4 set schedulable?

Answer: To solve this question, we need to go through with Response Time first.

Study material:

Calculate the worst case response time R for each task with deadline D. If R<=D(period), the task is schedulable/feasible. Repeat the same check for all tasks.

Ri= Ci + åΠHP(i) éRi/Tjù*Cj
Ri stand for the response time for task i
Ci is the computing time.[execution time] 

Let U= Σ Ci/Ti [ei/pi or ei/di] 
and B(n) = n*(21/n-1) [Utilization Bound Test]

Three possible outcomes: 
0<= U<= B(n): schedulable
 B(n)<U<=1: no conclusion 
1< U : overload

Assume a task set:T(e,d) {(1,3),(1,5),(1,6),(2,10)}
CPU utilization U= 1/3+1/5+1/6+2/10=0.899  
The utilization bound B(4)=0.756

The task set fails in the UB test due to U>B(4)

Solution: Given as, {(1,3),(1,5),(1,6),(2,10)}

CPU utilization U= 1/3+1/5+1/6+2/10=0.899> B(4)= 0.756
Fail the UB test!
But U(3)= 1/3+1/5+1/6=0.699
This means that the first 3 tasks are schedulable.

is task 4 set schedulable? 
Hence, Not schedulable. 
Because If R<=D(period), the task is schedulable/feasible.

Question.11.:  What do you understand by the term makespan ? Give an example.

Makespan: The makespan is the completion time of the last job in the sequence or The makespan is the sum of all the processing times.

Example: Consider a single machine that processes five jobs. The jobs are named J1 to J5. The processing times are 10, 8, 6, 12 and 14 minutes. The delivery timings (due dates) of the five jobs are 8, 16, 25, 30 and 40 respectively. If you choose to follow a sequence J2-J4-J3-J1-J5 then what would be the makespan ?

The jobs are sent in the order or sequence J2-J4-J3-J1-J5. Job J2 enters at time = 0 and is completed at time = 8. Job J4, which is the next job in the sequence immediately enters at time = 8 and finishes at time = 8 + 12 = 20. This process continues till the last job J5 is completed at time = 50. The completion times for the jobs (according to the given sequence) is J2 = 8, J4 = 20, J3 = 26, J1 = 36 and J5 = 50.

The makespan is the completion time of the last job in the sequence. For the sequence J2- J4-J3-J1-J5, the makespan is the completion time of J5 which is 50.

Study material: The completion times for the jobs (according to the given sequence) is J2 = 8, J4 = 20, J3 = 26, J1 = 36 and J5 = 50. The total completion time is 140 and the mean completion time is 140/5 = 28

Question.12.: What do you understand by the term makespan ? Compute the makespan on the following processors.
Assume the schedule to be work conserving
T(e,d) T1(2,3), T2(3,7) and T3(4,13) on Processor P1.
T4(3,5) T5 (4,11) and T6(5, 18) on Processor P2.

Answer: Makespan: The makespan is the sum of all the processing time scheduled on a processors.

Makespan on P1 =  2+3+4 = 9 units; Makespan on P2 = 3+4+5=12 units

As given,  Scheduler is a work conserving, The processor is never idle when tasks are awaiting execution.

Question.13: What do you understand by the  term hyperperiod ? Compute the hyperperiod of the following tasks T(e,p) {T1(3,6) T2(4,12) and T3(5,18)}.

Answer: Hyperperiod: Hyperperiod is the duration of the largest task present in the task set under consideration. Mathematically it is the least common multiple of all task periods of the task set under consideration.
  Hyperperiod of task set = LCM {6,12,18} = 36 units

Question.14.: Compute the RM Schedulability upper bound for a system with 4 tasks.

RM schedulability upper bound = (n*(2(1/n)-1))
Here n=4
RMupper =  (4* (2(1/4)-1))=  0.76


Schedule the following tasks by non-weighted round robin ?
Execution time
Compute the   makespan, number of cycles for the above task set with a time slice of 3 units?


Cycle 1:
T1 (3) T2(3) T3(3) T4(3) T5(3)
Cycle 2:
T1(2) T2(3) T3(1) T4(3) T5(2)
Cycle 3:

3 Cycles and Makespan = 3+3+3+3+3+2+3+1+3+2+1=27 units.

Question.16: Consider the tasks T(e,d) T1(2,5), T2(3,6), T3(2,7), T4(1,8), T5(2,9)
The start times of the tasks which is also the current time of T1,T2,T3,T4 and T5 is 1,2,3,4 and 5
The min and max execution times of tasks T(min, max) T1(2,3), T2(3,4), T3(2,4),T4(1,2) and
T5(2,3). Compute the laxity for all tasks..


Laxity =(deadline –(current time + min exec time))

May 20, 2018

Multimedia Computing MID Sem Solution

Question.  List three pattern substitution based compression algorithms. For each algorithm, give one application where the method is used with respect
to multimedia data.

  • Repetitive Sequence Suppression.
  • Run-length Encoding.
  • Pattern Substitution.
Repetitive Sequence Suppression Example: 1 from Silence suppression in audio, ‘white space’ in text, simple uniform backgrounds in images.

Run-length Encoding : 1 from Computer graphics generated images, Faxes, part of JPEG (latter stage) pipeline.

Pattern Substitution : 1 from Pattern recognition/token substitution, Entropy coding (Huffman), LZW/GIF, vector quantization.

Question. What is the basic concept used in defining an Information Theoretic approach to data compression?

The entropy of an information source S, defined as:
is the basis Information Theoretic compression algorithms.

Question: What advantages does the arithmetic coding algorithm offer over Huffman coding algorithm with respect to data compression?

  • Good compression ratio (better than Huffman coding), entropy around the Shannon Ideal value. – Huffman coding uses an integer number of bits for each symbol,
    • hence k is never less than 1.
    • – Use decimal number of bits 
Disadvantages with the arithmetic coding algorithm: 
  • Memory: potentially large symbol tables needed.
  • Speed due possibly complex computations due to large symbol tables.
Question: Given the following Differential Pulse Code Modulated (DPCM) Sequence reconstruct the original signal.
+4 + 2 + 3 - 2 + 3 - 1 + 1 + 1

DPCM decoding: Simply start with accumulator zero for each number add the value to current accumulator, output accumulator value.
So solution is:
4 6 9 7 10 9 10 11

Question: Given the following Run Length Encoded (RLE) Sequence reconstruct the
original 2D 8x8 (binary) data array.
(0, 8),
(0, 1), (1, 1), (0, 4), (1, 1), (0, 1),
(0, 1), (1, 2), (0, 2), (1, 2), (0, 1),
(0, 1), (1, 6), (0, 1),
(0, 2), (1, 4), (0, 2),
(0, 3), (1, 2), (0, 3),
(0, 2), (1, 1), (0, 2), (1, 1), (0, 2),
(0, 1), (1, 1), (0, 4), (1, 1), (0, 1)

The format of RLE is for each pair (colour, length) so just ‘parse’ each row, to expand colour to length number of values to get the solution:

Calculate the uncompressed digital output if a video signal is sampled using the following values: 25 frames per second, 160 x 120 pixels, True (Full) color depth.

True color = 24 bits (3 bytes) per pixel

So  number of bytes per second is
24*160*120*25 =  11,520,000 bits

If a suitable CD stereo quality audio signal is included with the video signal in part (c), how long would it take for the signal to be transmitted on a 128 kbps channel?

CD quality audio = 22,050 Hz. Sampling rate = 44,100 Hz.
Stereo  audio = 44100*2 * 16 bits  =1,411,200 bits per second

So uncompressed bytes stream is 11,520,000 + 1,411,200 =  12,931,200 bits per second. Channel is 128 kbps. Hence time taken = 101 seconds

For compressing an image for power point slide, which compression would you prefer-regular JPEG or JPEG 2000? Why?

JPEG – 2000 – handles computer generated images (sharp edges etc.) better. Compression ratio is 20% higher than original JPEG

Question: What are the key differences between the JPEG and MPEG I-Frame compression

Four main differences:
  • JPEG uses YIQ whilst MPEG use YUV (YCrCb) colour space.
  • MPEG used larger block size DCT windows 16 even 32 as opposed to JPEG’s 8.
  • Different quantization— MPEG usually uses a constant quantizationvalue.
  • Only Discrete Pulse Code Modulation (DPCM) on DC component in JPEG on zig zag scan. AC (JEPG) and complete zig zag scan get RLE.
Question: What processes give rise to the lossy nature of JPEG/MPEG video compression?

Lossy steps:
  • Colour space subsampling in IQ or UV components.
  • Quantization reduces bits needed for DCT components. 
(A) In MPEG audio compression, what is frequency masking?

When an audio signal consists of multiple frequencies the sensitivity of the ear changes with the relative amplitude of the signals. If the frequencies are close and the amplitude of one is less than the other close frequency then the second frequency may not be heard.

(B) Briefly describe the cause of frequency masking in the human auditory system?

Frequency Masking:
  • Stereocilia in inner ear get excited as fluid pressure waves flow over them.
  • Stereocilia of different length and tightness on Basilar membrane so resonate in sympathy to different frequencies of fluid waves (banks of stereocilia at each frequency band).
  • Stereocilia already excited by a frequency cannot be further excited by a lower amplitude near frequency wave.
(C) In MPEG audio compression, what is temporal masking?

After the ear hears a loud sound, consisting of multiple frequencies, it takes a further short while before it can hear a quieter sound close in frequency.

(D) Briefly describe the cause of temporal masking in the human auditory system?

  • (Like frequency masking) Stereocilia in inner ear get excited as fluid pressure waves flow over them and respond to different frequencies.
  • Stereocilia already excited by a certain frequency will take a while to return to rest state, as inner ear is a closed fluid chamber and pressure waves will eventually dampen down.
  • Similar to frequency masking Stereocilia in a ’dampening state’ may not respond to a a lower amplitude near frequency wave.
(E) Briefly describe, using a suitable diagram if necessary, the MPEG-1 audio compression algorithm, outlining how frequency masking and temporal masking are encoded.

MPEG audio compression basically works by:
  • Dividing the audio signal up into a set of frequency subbands (Filtering)
  • Use filter banks to achieve this.
  • Subbands approximate critical bands.
  • Each band quantised according to the audibility of quantization noise.
Frequency masking and temporal masking are encoded by:

Frequency Masking: MPEG Audio encodes this by quantising each filter bank with adaptive values from neighbouring bands energy, defined by a look up table.

Temporal Masking: Not so easy to model as frequency masking. MP3 achieves this with a 50% overlap between successive transform windows gives window sizes of 36 or 12 and applies basic frequency masking as above.

Question: Construct coding tree for ROADROADIES by Shannon-Fano Algorithm and calculate the entropy. Get the Compression Ratio also for the same.

Shannon-Fano Algorithm: 
  1. Sort the symbols according to the frequency count of their occurrences.
  2. Recursively divide the symbols into two parts, each with approximately the same number of counts, until all the parts contain only 1 symbol.
  • Below are the letters with their occurrence counts.[occurrence counts should be in descending form]

log2(1/pi) is calculated as:
Ex: For symbol R:
pi=Count/total number of counts = 2/11=0.18181
log2(1/0.18181) = 2.459 approx.

Code is calculated as:
Ex: Traversing the tree from top to down.

No. of bits used is calculated as:
Ex: For symbol R:> count*code[number of bits/digits]= 2*1=2
For symbol I:> count*code[number of bits]= 1*5=5

Calculate Entropy:


Hence, 2.7312 number of bits are required to represent each symbol. [It can be asked as, What is the average number of bits needed for each character?]

Compression Ratio:  This can be found as:

Default ASCII encoding: 8 bits per symbol
Result after Shannon Fano Coding: 2.7312 bits per symbol

Compression Ratio = (11*8)/(11*2.7312) = 2.929

Consider the following uncompressed sequence of character bytes: AAAABBBBCAAAAACCCCCAAAAABBBBBBDDDDDD. Encode this sequence with Run-Length Coding. Also calculate the compression ratio.


Compression ratio = 36/15=2.4

Question: Construct Huffman tree to encode the table below. What is the average number of bits needed for each character?                                                                                           

Answer: Huffman CodingHuffman coding is a lossless data compression algorithm. The most frequent character gets the smallest code and the least frequent character gets the largest code.

Steps to build Huffman Tree

Step 1. Build a min heap that contains 7 nodes where each node represents root of a tree with single node.

Symbol    Frequency
    E           5
    G           9
    B           10
    D           13
    F           15
    C           20
    A          28

Step 2. Extract two minimum frequency nodes from min heap. Add a new internal node with frequency 5 + 9 = 14.

Now min heap contains 6 nodes where 5 nodes are roots of trees with single element each, and one heap node is root of tree with 3 elements

B           10
D           13
Node     14
F           15
C           20
A           28

Step 3: Extract two minimum frequency nodes from heap. Add a new internal node with frequency 10 + 13 = 23

Now min heap contains 5 nodes where 3 nodes are roots of trees with single element each, and two heap nodes are root of tree with more than one nodes.

Node     14
F           15
C           20
Node     23
A           28

Step 4: Extract two minimum frequency nodes. Add a new internal node with frequency 14 + 15 = 29

Now min heap contains 4 nodes where 2 nodes are roots of trees with single element each, and two heap nodes are root of tree with more than one nodes.

C           20
Node     23
A           28
Node     29

Step 5: Extract two minimum frequency nodes. Add a new internal node with frequency 20 + 23 = 43

Now min heap contains 3 nodes.

A      28
Node 29
Node 43

Step 6: Extract two minimum frequency nodes. Add a new internal node with frequency 28 + 29 = 57

Now min heap contains 2 nodes.

Node 43
Node 57

Step 7: Extract two minimum frequency nodes. Add a new internal node with frequency 43 + 57 = 100

Now min heap contains only one node.

Node 100

Since the heap contains only one node, the algorithm stops here.

Traverse the tree formed starting from the root. Maintain an auxiliary array. While moving to the left child, write 0 to the array. While moving to the right child, write 1 to the array

The codes are as follows:

Symbol   code
    C          0
    B          10
    D          11
    A          10
    E          1100
    G          1101
    F          111

Average number of bits needed for each character


2.6282 average number of bits are required to represent each symbol.

Suppose eight characters have a distribution A:(1), B:(1), C:(1), D:(2), E:(3), F:(5), G:(5), H:(10). Draw a Huffman tree for this distribution.


Perform run length encoding for the following and calculate compression ratio AC0000AAAAB00000000A0AAA00000.

Run length encoding
Before Encoding : AC0000AAAAB00000000A0AAA00000
After Encoding :   1A1C404A1B801A103A50
Compression Ratio
 Compression Ratio = Total number of bits before encoding/Total number of bits after encoding

Compression Ratio  = 29/20 = 1.45

Answer the following

a. Why is the display order and encoding order of MPEG frames different ? Given the display order of frames, find the coding order.  I(1) B(2) B(3) P(4) B(5) B(6) P(7) B(8) B(9) P(10) I(11)
b. State the difference between frequency masking and temporal masking in MPEG audio. How are these two encoded in MPEG audio?
c. If the block size for a 2D DCT transform is 8 X8, and we use only the DC components to create a thumbnail image, what fraction of the original pixels would we be using?


P and B frames are much more complicated, since they depend on other frames.   So we have to buffer a previous frame and a future frame to decode P and B frames. The name "future frame" indicates that the frame should be displayed after the current frame.  However, it is actually encoded before the current frame. So the display order of frames in a MPEG sequence is different from the decoding order. Coding order : I(1)P(4)B(2)B(3)P(7)B(5)B(6)P(10)B(7)B(8)I(11)

frequency masking:
When an audio signal consists of multiple frequencies the sensitivity of the ear changes with the relative amplitude of the signals. If the frequencies are close and the amplitude of one is less than the other close frequency then the second frequency may not be heard.

temporal masking:

  • After the ear hears a loud sound, consisting of multiple frequencies, it takes a further short while before it can hear a quieter sound close in frequency. MPEG Audio encodes frequency masking by quantizing each filter bank with adaptive values from neighboring bands, defined by a look up table. 
  • Achieved with a 50% overlap between successive transform windows and then applying frequency masking

c. 1/64, because each 8 x8 block only has one DC

May 13, 2018

Multimedia Computing - MCQS

Which one of the following is the characteristic of a multimedia system?
A. high data rates
B. high storage
C. none of the mentioned
D. both (a) and (b)
ANSWER: both (a) and (b)

Color, Coordinate, Normal, Orientation, Position and scalar in animations are called as
A. Tools
B. Animators
C. Specifiers
D. Interpolators

The correct answer is: Interpolators

In graphical system, Hardware used to store Bitmap is
A. Processor
B. Frame buffer
C. Memory
D. None

The correct answer is: Frame buffer

On a black and white system with one bit per pixel, the frame buffer is commonly called as
A. Bitmap
B. Multi map
C. Pix map
D. Grayscale

The correct answer is: Bitmap

The process used to calculate patterns of dots such that values from 0 to 255 correspond to patterns that are more and more filled at darker pixel values is known as

A. Dithering
B. Halftone
C. Colour Matrix
D. Aliasing

The correct answer is: Dithering

Alpha Channel is not supported by

The correct answer is: BMP

Bar graph representing the distribution of numerical data and an estimate of the probability distribution of a continuous variable
B. Palette
C. Histogram
D. Gamut

The correct answer is: Histogram

This law states that "Colour matching is linear" and this means that linear combinations of lights made up of three primaries are just the linear set of weights used to make the combination times those primaries.
A. Weber's Law
B. White Point Correction Law
C. Grassman's Law
D. Gamma Correction Law

The correct answer is: Grassman's Law

The CIE colour model was developed to be 
A. completely independent of any device or other means of emission or reproduction and is based as closely     as possible on how humans perceive colour.
B. partially independent of any device or other means of emission or reproduction and is based as rarely as                possible on how humans reject colour
C. completely dependent of any device or other means of emission or reproduction and is based as rarely                     as possible on how humans reject colour.
D. completely dependent of any device or other means of emission or reproduction and is based as closely                   as possible on how humans perceive colour

The correct answer is: completely independent of any device or other means of emission or reproduction and is based as closely as possible on how humans perceive colour.

For mapping tri-stimulus values or chromaticity coordinates in image capture, encoding, or reproduction
A. Black Point Correction is used
B. White Point Correction is used
C. Gamma Correction is used
D. CIE Correction is used

The correct answer is: White Point Correction is used

Luma in a video refers to the

A. Select one:
B. Resolution
C. Brightness
D. Wavelength

The correct answer is: Brightness

-----Is any combination of text, graphics art, sounds, animation and video delivered to you by computer or electronic device?
A. network
B. Hyper media
C. Multimedia
D. Visual media

The correct answer is: Multimedia

I in HSI Colour Coordinate Scheme stands for
A. Independent
B. Interactive
C. Intensity
D. Image

The correct answer is: Intensity

which algorithm uses character frequency for compression
A. Huffman coding
B. Arithmetic coding

The correct answer is: Huffman coding

Which technique performs decorrelation of input signall in a data independent manner

A. Huffman
B. Quantization
C. None
D. Discrete Cosine Transform

The correct answer is: Discrete Cosine Transform

Which algorithm uses fixed length codewords to represent variable length strings of symbols/ characters
B. Huffman
C. Shannon-Fan
D. Arithmetic

The correct answer is: LZW

A _______ can be added to your presentation and then used to go to a variety of locations ---- for example, a web address, an e-mail address, a custom show or document, just to name a few.

A. menulink
B. slidelink
C. hyperlink

The correct answer is: hyperlink

A smaller version of an image is called a:

A. thumbnail
B. clipart
C. portable network graphic
D. bitmap

The correct answer is: thumbnail

Compression ratio is the ratio of :
A. None of these
B. compressed file size to the original file size
C. the number of pixels in a frame of the original size to those in a frame of the compressed file
D. the original file size to the size of the compressed file

The correct answer is: the original file size to the size of the compressed file

Lossy techniques provide ___________ when compared to lossless techniques
A. None of these
B. lower compression ratios
C. much higher compression ratios
D. similar compression ratios

The correct answer is: much higher compression ratios

The basic idea behind Huffman coding is to
A. compress data by using fewer bits to encode fewer frequently repeating characters
B. expand data by using fewer bits to encode more frequently repeating characters
C.compress data by using fewer bits to encode more frequently repeating characters
D. compress data by using more bits to encode more frequently repeating characters

The correct answer is: compress data by using fewer bits to encode more frequently repeating characters

A Huffman code: A = 1, B = 000, C = 001, D = 01, P(A) = 0.4, P(B) = 0.1, P(C) = 0.2, P(D) = 0.3 The average number of bits per letter is
A. 2.0 bit
B. 2.1 bit
C. 8.0 bit
D. 1.9 bit

The correct answer is: 1.9 bit

XML stands for

A. EXtra Multi Language
B. EXtensible Making Language
C. EXprimental Markup Language
D. EXtensible Markup Language

The correct answer is: EXtensible Markup Language

The idea with wavelets is to represent a complicated function by
A. lines
B. square functions
C. simple basic functions
D. sinus functions

The correct answer is: simple basic functions

Multimedia elements are typically sewn together into a project using ____
A. Authoring tools
B. Audio tools
C. Multimedia tools
D. Video tool

The correct answer is: Authoring tools

---------Is used for building multimedia-enabled websites as well asIntrenet applications in HTML,XML,and other formats
A. Lingo script
C. Macromedia flash
D. Dreamweaver

The correct answer is: Dreamweaver

----- allows you to trigger events such as moving to a different keyframe or requiring the movie to stop

A. 3D sprite
B. Tweening
C. Action Script
D. Macromedia director

The correct answer is: Action Script

-----is sophisticated Pc based program for editing WAV files
A. Cubase
B. Sound forge
C. Pro Tools
D. Cool edit

The correct answer is: Sound forge

This permits specifying temporarily scripted interaction among any media types and user input
A. SMIL Correct

The correct answer is: SMIL

This is a powerful modeling,animation,and rendering package for animation and special effects in films and games.
A. Maya
B. Render Man
C. 3D studio max
D. Softimage XSI

The correct answer is: Softimage XSI

The sample rate of Au file format is

Select one:
a. 5700Hz originally headerless
b. 8KHz originally headerless
c. 12KHz originally with header
d. 10000Hz originally with header

Answer: 8KHz originally headerless

In which type of streaming multimedia file is delivered to the client, but not shared?

Select one:
a. Compression
b. Real-time streaming
c. Progressive download
d. None

Answer: Real-time streaming

Images included in many software titles are called _________.

Select one:
a. .jpg files
b. .tiff files
c. Popups
d. Clipart

Answer: Clipart

Hardware that creates sound from a mathematical representation

Select one:
a. Synthesizer
b. Speaker
c. Stampers
d. None

Answer: Synthesizer

DPCM result for the following series +2    +4    -3    -2    +9    +7    -6    -5 is

Select one:
a. +2    +6    +9    +1    +10    +16    +11    +6
b. +4   +6    +3    +1    +10    +17    +11    +6
c. +2    +6    +3    +1    -10    +17    +11    +6
d. +2    +6    +3    +1    +10    +17    +11    +6

Answer: +2    +6    +3    +1    +10    +17    +11    +6

H.323 uses G.71 or G.723.1 for

Select one:
a. Compression
b. Communication
c. Conferencing
d. Controlling

Answer: Compression

CD-I (Compact Disc-Interactive) standard defines the storage of interactive multimedia data while follows

Select one:
a. The Green Book
b. The Red Book
c. The Blue Book
d. The Black Book

Answer: The Green Book

----- is the  process  of applying a bank of band-pass filters to the analog signal

Select one:
a. Superband filtering
b. None
c. Low-pass filter
d. Subband filtering

Answer: Subband filtering

Find the Coding and transmission order of IBBPBBPBBI Display order

Select one:


Nyquist rate defined for correct sampling is

Select one:
a. Sampling rate equal to at least half the maximum frequency
b. Sampling rate equal to at least equal the maximum frequency
c. Sampling rate equal to at least thrice the maximum frequency
d. Sampling rate equal to at least twice the maximum frequency

Answer: Sampling rate equal to at least twice the maximum frequency

Multimedia system require hard real time scheduling

Select one:
a. for security
b. to ensure critical tasks will be serviced within timing deadlines
c. to minimize the delay
d. to deliver the media file to the client

Answer: to ensure critical tasks will be serviced within timing deadlines

In Composite Video, colour and intensity signals are mixed into

Select one:
a. Multiple carrier wave
b. Double carrier wave
c. A single carrier wave
d. Mixed carrier wave

Answer: A single carrier wave

Find out the correct statement

Select one:
a. Temporal redundancy is included in P frame coding as well as I frame coding
b. Temporal redundancy is included in P frame coding whereas I frame coding only includes Spatial redundancy removal
c. Temporal redundancy is included in I frame coding whereas P frame coding only includes Spatial redundancy removal
d. Spatial redundancy is included in P frame coding as well as I frame coding

Answer: Temporal redundancy is included in P frame coding whereas I frame coding only includes Spatial redundancy removal

Interleaving the audio and video segments of a video clip together in a data file is:

Select one:
a. Flattening
b. Helical scan
c. Flare
d. None

Answer: Flattening

A video consists of a sequence of

Select one:
a. Slots
b. Frames
c. Signals
d. Packets

Answer: Frames

Adding _________ to objects on your slides not only controls the flow of information, but adds interest to your presentation

Select one:
a. Background
b. Animation
c. Transition
d. Popups

Answer: Animation

CD-XA allows the storage of

Select one:
a. Digital Audio, Text, Graphics and Video
b. Only Audio Data
c. Only Text Data
d. Only Video Data

Answer: Digital Audio, Text, Graphics and Video

The text color in a presentation should contrast with the ________ color.

Select one:
a. CPU
b. Frame
c. Stack
d. Background

Answer: Background

Component Video uses three separate video signals for the

Select one:
a. Red, Yellow and Blue Planes
b. Red, Green and Blue Planes
c. Cyan, Green and Blue Planes
d. Red, Green and Magenta Planes

Answer: Red, Green and Blue Planes

If frames are displayed on screen fast enough, we get an impression of

Select one:
a. Motion
b. Signals
c. Bits
d. Packets

Answer: Motion

To receive signal, a translator is needed to decode signal and encode it again at a

A.High Quality.
B.Lower Quality.
C.Same Quality.
D.Bad Quality.

Answer: Lower Quality

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), is very


Answer: Flexible

Establishing a session in Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), requires a three-way


Answer: Handshake

Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) is used to compress


Answer: Video

A combination of an encryption algorithm and a decryption algorithm is called a

A.plain text.
C.original text.
D.shift cipher.

Answer: cipher

Most common compression technique that is used to create CD-quality audio is based on perceptual encoding technique is called

A.Predictive Encoding.
B.Perceptual Encoding.

Answer: Perceptual Encoding.

In Audio and Video Compression, each frame is divided into small grids, called picture elements or

D.Mega Pixels.

Answer: Pixels

 ----- is the  process  of applying a bank of band-pass filters to the analog signal

Select one:
a. Superband filtering
b. Subband filtering
c. Low-pass filter
d. None

Answer: Subband filtering

May 06, 2018

Data Warehouse - MCQS

The data Warehouse is______.
A. read write only.
B. write only.
C. read only.
D. none.

__________ is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, nonvolatile collection of data in support of
management decisions.
A. Web Mining.
B. Data Warehousing.
C. Data Mining.
D. Text Mining.


If you have to summarize data as per hierarchy in dimension attributes, which is appropriate SQL clause?

Select one:

Answer: ROLLUP

Which of the following is Apache data warehouse?

Select one:

Answer: Hive

A Data Mart whose source is directly from transactional systems, legacy applications, or external data feeds

Select one:
Dependent Data Mart
Intra-entry Data Mart
Independent Data Mart
Inter-entry Data Mart

Answer: Independent Data Mart

In a star schema, the number of rows in a dimension table is

Select one:
1. Larger than the fact table
2. Smaller than the fact table
3. Same as in the fact table

4. None of the options

AnswerSmaller than the fact table

The difference between ROLLUP and CUBE in SQL is

Select one:
CUBE summarizes for all combinations while ROLLUP does along hierarchy
CUBE summarizes along a hierarchy while ROLLUP does for all combinations
CUBE and ROLLUP handle NULLs differently
CUBE and ROLLUP are the same

Answer: CUBE summarizes for all combinations while ROLLUP does along hierarchy

Data scrubbing is which of the following?

Select one:
A process to load the data in the data warehouse and to create the necessary indexes
A process to upgrade the quality of data before it is moved into a data warehouse
A process to aggregate data after it is moved into a data warehouse
A process to reject data from the data warehouse and to create the necessary indexes

Answer: A process to upgrade the quality of data before it is moved into a data warehouse

Which of the following is NOT a kind of data warehouse application?

Select one:
Data mining
Analytical processing
Information processing
Transaction processing

AnswerTransaction processing

Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of metadata?

Select one:
Includes user data
Data about data
Helps user to build ad-hoc queries

Answer: Includes user data

A _______ is a table on disk that contains the result set of a query

Select one:
Materialized View

AnswerMaterialized View

Which one is NOT the Codd’s rule for OLAP?

Select one:
Restricted cross dimensional operation
Consistent Reporting Performance
Intuitive Data Manipulation

Answer: Restricted cross dimensional operation

A bitmap index is most appropriate on which of these columns

Select one:
Date of Birth

Answer: Gender

SQL Windowing is based on

Select one:
Partitions defined for the table
Materialized Views
Partitions defined in query

Answer: Partitions defined in query

The SQL analytical function to divide records into equal sized groups is

Select one:

Answer: NTILE

The operation of moving from coarser granularity data to a finer granularity  is called

Select one:
Drill down

AnswerDrill down

Views in SQL are of the type

Select one:
Always Physical
Sometimes physical
Always Virtual
Always up-to-date

AnswerSometimes physical

MOLAP stores aggregate values in which of the following structure?

Select one:


Which of the following OLAP techniques offers best latency?

Select one:

Answer: ROLAP

Aggregate navigator is based on

Select one:
Summary tables
Logical Views
Materialized Views

AnswerMaterialized Views

Summarization for a table is to be done using 4 attributes. How many SQL statements using GROUP BY are required to produce equivalent results?

Select one:

Answer: 16

Difference between Rank and Sort in SQL is

Select one:
Sort allows aggregates while Rank does not
Rank gives a separate sequence of numbers
Sort is based on attribute while Rank is not
They are same

AnswerRank gives a separate sequence of numbers

Dimensions D1 and D2 are not considered conforming if

Select one:
D1 columns are subset of D2
D1 identical to D2
D1 and D2 are present on the same server
D1 is rolled up subset of D2

AnswerD1 and D2 are present on the same server

In SQL, what is the difference between GROUP BY and PARTITION BY clauses ?

Select one:
They are same.
SELECT clause
Type of attributes
WHERE clause

AnswerWHERE clause

When were analytic functions introduced in SQL?

Select one:


What is the difference between Rank and Dense_Rank in SQL?

Select one:
Rank and Dense_Rank are the same
Dense_Rank uses consecutive numbers
Dense_Rank hides some results
Dense_Rank rejects duplicates

Answer: Dense_Rank uses consecutive numbers

The type of relationship in star schema from dimension to fact is

Select one:

Answer: one-to-many 

A table can not be partitioned by

Select one:


A snowflake schema is which of the following type of table?

Select one:
1. Fact
2. Normalized Dimension
3. Factless Dimension
4. All of the above

Answer: All of the above

Enterprise Data Warehouse is a _________________warehouse.

Select one:
1. Public
2. Non Centralized
3. Centralized
4. Private

Answer: Centralized

Which of the following is not a data component of a data warehouse?

Select one:
1. Component Key.
2. Metadata
3. Current detail data.

4. Lightly summarized data.

Answer: Component Key

Data warehouses commonly use a _______________key to uniquely identify an entity for various purposes.

Select one:
1. Composite
2. Primary
3. Super
4. Surrogate

Answer: Surrogate