April 15, 2019

Office 365 Admin Center - Digital Skill (TrendNXT L1)

Marks: 10
Set: 1

Note: Kindly prepare yourself to score good marks in Office 365 Admin Center L1. This is for TrenDNXT level 1 dumps.


Hope you all guys do well in your exam, Feel free to post your concern in comment box in case of any changes in required question/answer template. 

Software Architecture - Mid Sem Solution

Mid-Sem Paper Solutions:

Q.1 Choose the most appropriate architectural pattern (one) for the 5 descriptions below. Give reasons for choosing the pattern (in 1-2 line maximum)

1. Wants to split a system into a number of computationally independent execution structures (groups of software and hardware) such as database, business logic, web interface and client, connected by some communication media. The structure is chosen to provide a specific server environment optimized for operational requirements and resource usage.

2. A set of heterogeneous specialized modules which dynamically change their strategies as a response to unpredictable events, and the system has to deal with uncertain knowledge.

3. Wants a system that can be divided into reusable, loosely coupled components that can be flexibly combined and arranged to transform between various data formats.

4. Wants a distributed system with a structure that enables that service users do not need to know the nature or location of service providers.  

5. A program relationship in which one program requests a service or resource from another Program.

(a) Layered 
(b) Broker 
(c) Model-view-controller
(d) Pipe-and-Filter 
(e) Client-Server 
(f) Blackboard 
(g) Service-Oriented 
(h) Publish-Subscribe 
(i)  Map-Reduce

For Practice:
  • Wants a system that quickly can analyze enormous volumes of data by sorting the data and then analyzing the grouped data. -> Map-Reduce
  • Wants to set up a set of equal distributed computational entities that are connected via a common protocol to share their services and provide high availability and scalability. -> Peer-to-peer

1. Multi-tier
2. Blackboard
3. Pipe-and-Filter 
4. Broker
5. Client-Server

Q.2. Write brief notes on followings:

2.1  Discuss whether this statement is true or false: “Architecture is a transferable and reusable model”.
Yes, it is true. Architecture can be created as transferable, reusable model that forms the heart of a product line.
Below is some key-point which does prove the importance of this.
Architecture can provide the basis for evolutionary prototyping.
Architecture is the key artifact that allows the architect and project manager to reason about cost and schedule.
By restricting design alternatives, architecture channels the creativity of developers, reducing design and system complexity.
Architecture defines a set of constraints on subsequent implementation.

2.2 What parameters (inputs) are typically used in models for analyzing performance
Parameters (inputs) for analytic modeling of performance (candidates):
Arrival rate of events
queuing discipline
scheduling algorithm
service time for events
network topology 
network bandwidth
routing algorithm 

2.3 What is the difference between reference architecture and an architectural pattern? 

An important difference between a pattern and reference architecture is that a pattern must be a recurrent solution that was already used on existing implementations. On the other hand, reference architecture can propose new, innovative solutions in its structure, whose usage was not yet proven in existing software. As a consequence, reference architecture is more suitable to propose a structure for new domains, which are not still well established.

Patterns and reference architectures document solutions in different levels of granularity. While a pattern focus on a single problem and in a single recurrent solution, reference architecture usually considers the target domain as a whole.

Q.3. Write any five availability tactics for fault detection. Explain each one briefly. 

Below are the 5 availability tactics for fault detection:
– Client (or fault-detector) pings the server and gets response back
– To avoid less communication bandwidth- use hierarchy of fault-detectors,
the lowest one shares the same h/w as the server
– Server periodically sends a signal
– Listeners listen for such heartbeat. Failure of heartbeat means that the server is dead
– Signal can have data (ATM sending the last txn)
Exception Detection
– Adding an Exception handler means error masking
Voting (TMR)
– Three identical copies of a module are connected to a voting system which compares outputs from all the three components. If there is an inconsistency in their outputs when subjected to the same input, the voting system reports error/inconsistency.
– Majority voting, or preferred component wins
Timer and Time-stamping
– If the running process does not reset the timer periodically, the timer triggers off and announces failure
- Time-stamping: assigns a timestamp (can be a count, based on the local clock) with a message in a decentralized message passing system. Used to detect inconsistency.

March 18, 2019

BDD - Digital Skill (TrendNXT L1)

Marks: 20
Set: 2

Note: Kindly prepare yourself to score good marks in BDD. This is for TrenDNXT level 1 dumps.


Code MCQS:

Hope you all guys do well in your exam, Feel free to post your concern in comment box in case of any changes in required question/answer template. 

February 15, 2019

Data Mining - Comprehensive Paper Solution

Note: This is just a reference paper which you can go through,  we are facing some issue with the website. If you have any more important question/answer, let us know. 
Share it on our Email - 1trickyworld1@gmail.com

For the following vectors x and y, calculate the cosine similarity and euclidean distance measures:
x =(4,4,4,4), y=(2,2,2,2)


x ● y = 4*2 + 4*2 + 4*2 + 4*2 = 32
||x|| = sqrt(4*4 + 4*4 + 4*4 + 4*4) = sqrt (64)   = 8
||y|| = sqrt(2*2 + 2*2 + 2*2 + 2*2) = sqrt (16) = 4
cos(x,y) = (x ● y) /  (||x||*||y||) = (32)/ (8*4) 
cos(x,y) = 1

d(x, y) = sqrt((4-2)^2 + (4-2)^2 + (4-2)^2 + (4-2)^2) 
Euclidean distance = 4

Consider the one-dimensional data set shown on the below table


Classify the data point x=5.0 according to its 3- and 9- nearest neighbors (Using majority Vote)

We need to first find the difference of each data set with respect to x=5.0, Refer the below table for the same.

Difference (x & X)

As asked,
Using 3- nearest neighbors method, 3 Closest points to the point x=5.0 will be the one who has least difference among them - > 4.9, 5.2, 4.6
Classes ->   +
Using Majority Vote, 3-nearest neighbor: +

Using 9- nearest neighbors method, 9 Closest points to the point x=5.0 will be the one who has least difference among them - > 4.9, 5.2, 4.6, 4.5, 5.6, 5.8, 3.2, 7.1, 0.6
Classes -> +  + +  +   
Using Majority Vote, 9-nearest neighbor: 

Suppose a group of 12 sales price records has been sorted as follows:
5; 10; 11; 13; 15; 35; 50; 55; 72; 90; 204; 215:
Partition them into three bins by each of the following methods.
(a) equal-frequency partitioning
(b) equal-width partitioning
(c) clustering

(a) equal-frequency (equidepth) partitioning:
Partition the data into equidepth bins of depth 4: [given as n=4]
Bin 1: 5, 10, 11, 13
Bin 2: 15, 35, 50, 55
Bin 3: 72, 90, 204, 215

(b) equal-width partitioning:
Partitioning the data into 3 equi-width bins will require the width to be (215−5)/3 = 70.
We get interval like- (1,70),(71,140),(141,210),(211,280)
Bin 1: 5, 10, 11, 13, 15, 35, 50, 55
Bin 2:72, 90
Bin 3: 204
Bin 4: 215

(c) clustering:
Using K-means clustering to partition the data into three bins we get
Bin 1: 5, 10, 11, 13, 15, 35
Bin 2: 50, 55, 72, 90
Bin 3: 204, 215

February 08, 2019

Software Project Management - Comprehensive Paper Solution

Note: This is just a reference paper which you can go through,  we are facing some issue with the website. Thanks for sharing some answer key with us, let us know if you have more answer keys so we can share with others too.
Share it on our Email - 1trickyworld1@gmail.com

1. Pick the odd one out and say why?:
a. WBS
b. Gantt chart
c. Prototype
d. Slip Chart
e. Time chart

Answer: c. Other four relates to methods of project scheduling.

Question: How do you create agile processes to manage unpredictability?

Answer:  Software increments must be delivered in short time periods and Software processes must adapt to changes incrementally

Question: Which of the following does not take account of the dependencies between activities? 
a. Activity network  
b. Resource histogram 
c. Work breakdown structure   
d. Gantt chart

Answer: WBS, rest of the activities involve multiple activities linkages.

Question:  Based on what SDLC deliverable, acceptance criteria for a project be derived and why and also give one example of NFR acceptance criteria.

Answer: The acceptance criteria should be derived from the Requirements Specification, which is where the users’ stated needs are documented. Eample, ‘a response time of less than 2 seconds for 90% of transactions’ is a lot more precise than ‘a fast response time’.

Question:  Explain the difference between effort and elapsed time. What is the significance of this difference for project planning purposes?

Answer: Effort is the total volume of work involved in a task and is best thought of as how long it would take to accomplish if one person were assigned to it.  Elapsed time, on the other hand, is how long the task will take from start to finish and this will depend on the effort involved, how many people are assigned to the task and what delays or external dependencies are involved.

Question:  Compute the function point value, corresponding effort (state your assumption) and the Minimum time to develop for that effort for a project with the following information domain characteristics.
Number of user inputs.                 - 32
Number of user outputs.              - 60
Number of user inquiries.             - 24
Number of Files.                              - 8
Number of external interfaces.   - 2
Assume that all complexity adjustment values are average.                                        Marks  10

Answer: ( 4+2+4)
For Average adjustment values,               
32 X 4 = 128
60 X 5 = 300
24 X 4 = 96
8 X 10 = 80
2 X 7 = 14
So, Count Total is equal to 618.
FP = Count Total X [0.65 + 0.01 X Summation (Fi)]
FP = 618 X [0.65 + (0.01 X 30)] = 587.10.

Effort:  assumption : 1FP/person/day or any similar no. = 587.10X1= 587 persondays. (persondays is important)
Duration: use the formula :  2.5*(Effort)exponent   Exponent can be :0.32,0.35,0.38

Question: Read the following project scenario and suggest your best approach by precisely answering the questions (make your own assumptions and state them clearly)
You are currently the Project Manager (PM) for the first development project of EuroShell—the prestigious customer who has recently signed an MoU with your company—XcelPro--for a multi-million-dollar business over the next 5 years. The project spans a period of 9 months and it involves several new technologies/tools. In addition, the customer keeps changing the requirements at an average rate of 1-2 change-requests (CR) per month. You are asked to send regular weekly status reports to the customer’s PM. The customer has not raised any major issue (nor responded to your regular status reports) till the final product is delivered for acceptance testing (UAT) during which your Delivery Head (your boss) received a major escalation (mail) from the customer (with a copy to XcelPro’s CEO) citing various defects observed and in turn seriously doubting XcelPro’s capability to develop and deliver software product.

Q1) You are asked to prepare a report/PPT as response to the escalation mail by holding a meeting via video conference call with customer.  Who are all the people to be involved in the meeting? What are agenda/items in your report/PPT? What are your recommended methods/techniques for presentation of data/issues so that the meeting concludes well with renewed trust in the company’s management and its QMS?  5 Marks

Q2) What was the format/Template of your project report?  Why do you think your customer did not respond to your regular weekly status reports (and of course, jumped with an escalation only at the end of delivery)? What factors (internal/external) contributed to this escalation?  If you were to redesign your project status report to elicit frequent responses from customers, what would you do?   5 Marks