November 14, 2018

Cloud Computing in simple terms - Overview of Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing in simple terms:

Welcome to Cloud Computing, The first question in our mind is - What is Cloud computing?

I am pretty sure, you also looking for the same. So we will directly jump into the interesting scenario-based language. We have tons of information from various sources as NIST(National Institute of Standards and Technology), 451 Group, analyst firm like Gartner, Wikipedia etc.

As per our information - It is very large where several services and data you access all over the network. The software and data which you access for your work doesn't exist on your computer and set on the servers. This concept of using services stored on other system called cloud computing.
There was a time when several clients want to access information from several terminals but the mainframe technology was too costly so to save money they want something new. At that time it was just a hope but now we have a cloud today.

In a simple term - It's a term for a service made available over the network on-demand for an optimized highly scalable service provider, the name cloud computing was inspired by the cloud symbol. Exact information and origin of the cloud are still debated but attributes are agreed upon.

Accessing Cloud:
We can access Cloud using various devices shown below in the diagram:

Why do we need to use cloud computing?
This is the best question which I used to ask myself when I was not aware of this term 'Cloud computing'. Hopefully, you will find the profitable for yourself after reading below quick information.

It is a cost-effective method to store the data on the cloud. Rather than having desktop software, businesses can store confidential business information in the cloud.
We don't even need to pay the licensing fees for multiple users.

Unlimited storage space:
The cloud gives you unlimited space capacity for storing information. Hence, one does not need to worry about running out of storage when cloud computing is used.
    One of the best parts is, To avoid difficult to get rid of all those machines when the job is done. You need not to worry about the machines, they will get in use with another task over the network.

There is a hell lot of reason which we have listed below for your reference.
  • Backup and Recovery
  • Scale
  • Time
  • Liquidity
Cloud Computing Characteristics:
  • Network Access
  • Bandwidth
  • Virtualization
  • Resource planning
  • Services, Self-Services
  • Monitor
  • Measurement
  • Managed metering
Cloud Computing Open issues:
We have gone through all the positive aspect of Cloud Computing But still, there is some open issue which should be our attention. Below are some quick issues which debated over and over.
  • Security Issue
  • Internet Connection
  • Too many platforms
  • Location of servers
  • Time of Transition
  • Speed 

Cloud computing Infrastructure Models:

Private Clouds: It's built for the exclusive use of one client, providing the utmost control over data, security, and quality of services.

Public Clouds: These are run by third parties, likely to be mixed together on the cloud's servers, storage system, and networks.

Hybrid Clouds: It combines both Public and Private models. It helps to provide on-demand, externally provisioned scale.

Skills under Cloud Computing:

This is just the basic overview of cloud which will be enough for today. We will meet again with another topic further on this. Let us know if you have any concern related to this post.


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