Showing posts with label Software Development for Portable Devices. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Software Development for Portable Devices. Show all posts

November 01, 2018

01 Nov

Software Development for Portable Devices - Compre Paper Solution

QUESTION 1(10 Marks) Q1a.Explain the following methods of ContentProvider class [5] (Note: Full marks is awarded if methods parameters and return type is explained.) Answer) i.canonicalize(Uri url): A canonical URI is one that can be transported across devices, backup/restore, and other contexts, and still be...

June 12, 2018

12 Jun

Software Development for Portable Devices - MCQS

Question Which of the following statements is true a. IoT will not impact the health care industry b. IoT will not impact our lives c. IoT will not impact the manufacturing industry d. None of the given options  The correct answer is: None of the given options Question  Which of the following persons...