June 12, 2018

Software Development for Portable Devices - MCQS

Which of the following statements is true

a. IoT will not impact the health care industry
b. IoT will not impact our lives
c. IoT will not impact the manufacturing industry
d. None of the given options 

The correct answer is: None of the given options

Which of the following persons coined the term "Internet of Things" for the first time?

a. Vinton Cerf
b. Kevin Ashton 
c. Ray Tomlinson
d. Shiva Ayyadurai

The correct answer is: Kevin Ashton

In which of the following year was the term Internet of Things first coined?

a. 1997
b. 1999 
c. 2001
d. 2000

The correct answer is: 1999

GSM stands for

a. Global system for maintenance
b. Global system for memory
c. Global system for management
d. Global System for Mobile 

The correct answer is: Global System for Mobile

Which of the following is a faster version of GSM wireless service, designed to deliver data at rates up to 384 Kbps and enable the delivery of multimedia and other broadband applications to mobile phone and computer users?

a. EDGE 

The correct answer is: EDGE

During the initialization of an android app Activity, _________ might be used to set the layout resources to define the UI of your Activity.

Select one:
a. setContentView(int layoutResID)
b. addContentView(View view, ViewGroup.LayoutParams params)
c. getLayoutInflater()
d. startActivity(Intent intent)

The correct answer is: setContentView(int layoutResID)

_________ is a security protocol designed to provide a wireless LAN with a level of security and privacy comparable to what is usually expected of a wired LAN.

b. WEP 
d. 802.11x

The correct answer is: WEP

While specifying the margins we use ‘dp’ as measuring units, what is the meaning of ‘dp’ ?

Select one:
a. dots per screen
b. dots per pixel
c. density pixel
d. dots per inch

The correct answer is: density pixel

What is the mechanism to move values from one screen to another
Select one:
a. Intent
b. Toast
c. Broadcast

The correct answer is: Intent

Which of the following is a language that allows the  portions of Web pages to be presented on cellular telephones and personal digital assistants (PDAs) via wireless access?

a. Both of the given options. 
c. Neither of the given options.
d. Wireless Markup Language

The correct answer is: Both of the given options.

By which of the following name(s) was the Internet of Things also known as earlier?

a. All of the given options 
b. Pervasive Computing
c. Ubicomp
d. Ambient Intelligence

The correct answer is: All of the given options

Bluetooth network stack, which allows a device to __________ exchange data with other Bluetooth devices.

a. Wired & Wireless
b. None of the given options
c. Wired
d. Wirelessly 

The correct answer is: Wirelessly

What is the commonly used layout
Select one:
a. Linear layout
b. Constrained Layout
c. Relative Layout

d. Frame layout

The correct answer is: Linear layout

A device which detects or measures physical property is

a. thermistor
b. transducer
c. sensor 
d. transistor

The correct answer is: sensor

Operating system available in Raspberry Pi 1 is?
Select one:
a. Unix.
b. Raspbian.
c. Android.

d. RaspOS.

The correct answer is: Raspbian

Which of these is not an Application Specific System

a. Handheld Oscilloscope
b. Portable ECG Machine
c. Raspberry Pi 
d. Automotive Controller

The correct answer is: Automotive Controller

Which of this is not a typical health care application?

a. Portable ECG monitor
b. Automotive diagnostics 
c. Blood pressure monitor
d. Blood glucose monitr

The correct answer is: Automotive diagnostics

Which of the following is currently the most common deployment of the IOT?

a. Home Automation Devices
b. Sensor Networks
c. Internet Connected Animals
d. Smart Metering 

The correct answer is: Smart Metering

What is the size of it?

a. All of the given options
b. Credit Card 
c. Hand Palm
d. Average Glass

The correct answer is: Credit Card

Sensors can be used in this areas

a. All of the given options 
b. Mobile Phones
c. Health Care
d. Gaming

The correct answer is: All of the given options

What are some of the major architectural differences exist between 3G and 4G?

a. The circuit switching elements are removed in 4G
b. The RNC acts as a BS in a cluster type RAN Configuration
c. All the given options 
d. A VOIP gateway used to connect to the PSTN and ISDN networks

The correct answer is: All the given options

Once installed on a device, each Android application lives in_______?

a. external memory
b. None of the given options
c. device memory
d. security sandbox 

The correct answer is: security sandbox

Which permissions should not be added to Android Manifest file to access Google Maps API?
Select one:
a. Com.google.android.providers.gsf.permission.READ_GSERVICES
b. All of the mentioned options
c. Android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
d. Android.permission.INTERNET

The correct answer is: 

Which of these is not an Application Specific System

a. Automotive Controller
b. Portable ECG Machine
c. Raspberry Pi 
d. Handheld Oscilloscope

The correct answer is: Automotive Controller

This is the handling of voice, fax, and regular  messages as objects in a single mailbox that a user can access either with a regular e-mail client or by telephone.

b. Short Message Service
c. unified messaging 
d. Short messaging

The correct answer is: unified messaging

This is an industry specification that describes how mobile phones, computers, and PDAs can easily interconnect with each other using a short-range wireless connection.

b. EMI
c. Bluetooth 
d. IrDA

The correct answer is: Bluetooth

What is SoC

a. Single on Chip
b. System on Chip 
c. Semiconductor chip
d. System on multiple chips

The correct answer is: System on Chip

Developed by International Telecommunication Union (ITU), ______ is a code-division multiple access (CDMA) version of the IMT-2000 standard.

a. CDMA2000 

The correct answer is: CDMA2000

IoT technologies can help in smart crime detection and reducing the number of crimes.

a. True 
b. Maybe
c. False
d. May not Be

The correct answer is: True

This is a specification for a set of communication protocols to standardize the way that wireless devices can be used for Internet access.

b. WAX
d. WAP 

The correct answer is: WAP

The imapact of IoT technologies is only on objects

a. True
b. False 
c. Maybe
d. May not Be

The correct answer is: False

In android mini-activities are also known as.
a. Activity
b. Fragments
c. Adapter 
d. None of the given options.

The correct answer is: Fragments

Native Applications are developed using _____ of device.
a. None of the given options
b. Accessories
c. JDK
d. SDK 

The correct answer is: SDK

What are the layouts available in android?
a. Frame Layout
b. All of above 
c. Linear Layout
d. Table Layout

The correct answer is: All of above

What Eclipse plugin is requireD) to develop AndroiD) application?
a. WeB) Development Tools
b. AndroiD) Software Development Kit
c. J2EE
d. AndroiD) Development Tools 

The correct answer is: AndroiD) Development Tools

Which are not the mobile OS?
a. Symbian
b. IOS
c. Android
d. Windows CE 

The correct answer is: Windows CE

What resource directory qualifier do we use for creating layout-large?
a. Orientation 
b. Size
c. UI Mode
d. Ratio

The correct answer is: Ratio

Which of the following is not a valiD) AndroiD) resource file name?
a. mylayout1.xml
b. my_layout.xml
c. mylayout.xml
d. myLayout.xml 

The correct answer is: myLayout.xml

Below is not Mobile App Development Models
a. Waterfall
b. Agile
c. Mobile First 
d. V Model

The correct answer is: V Model

The ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information anD) use it is called
a. Portability
b. Agility
c. Flexibility
d. Interoperability 

The correct answer is: Interoperability

Which of these are not one of the three main components of the APK?
a. Native Libraries
b. Dalvik Executable
c. Webkit 
d. Resources

The correct answer is: Webkit

Which framework is used send notification to users?
a. Activity Manger
b. Notification Manager 
c. BroadCast Receiver
d. Window Manger

The correct answer is: Notification Manager

Android is
a. Multitasking
b. SingleTasking
c. Both the given options 
d. None of given options

The correct answer is: Multitasking

Below is not mobile operating system
a. Windows Vista 
b. iOS
c. Android
d. Symbian OS

The correct answer is: Windows Vista

which of these is not defineD) as a process state?
a. Foreground
b. Visible
c. Non-visible 
d. Background

The correct answer is: Non-visible

A Layout that arranges its children in a single column or a single row.
a. Table Layout
b. Relative layout
c. None of the given options
d. Linear Layout 

The correct answer is: Linear Layout

Which among the following is a compiler generateD) file anD) references all the resources in your app
a. res
b. bin
c. R.JAVA 
d. src

The correct answer is: R.JAVA

OHA means
a. Open Handset Alliance 
b. Open Handphone Allocation
c. None of given options
d. Open Handphone allowance

The correct answer is: Open Handset Alliance

BVS010 In which file, all string constant should be stored in android?
a. None of the given options.
b. strings.xml 
c. Bin
d. AndroidManifest.xml

The correct answer is: strings.xml

Choose the  options regarding activity in android.
a. Both the given options are . 
b. Activity is a class.
c. None of the given options.
d. When you create an android application your activity (class) is, by default inherited from Activity class.

The correct answer is: Both the given options are .

Virtual applications
a. runs applications on local machine
b. None of the given options
c. support offline mode
d. connect remotely to PC to access data 

The correct answer is: connect remotely to PC to access data

What is DDMS in android?
a. Dalvik monitoring services
b. Device memory server
c. Dalvik memory server
d. Dalvik Debug Monitoring Services 

The correct answer is: Dalvik Debug Monitoring Services

What is the full form of DDMS?
a. Direct Debug Monitoring Service
b. None of the given options.
c. Dalvik Design Monitoring Service
d. Dalvik Debug Monitoring Service 

The correct answer is: Dalvik Debug Monitoring Service

Although most people’s first thought when they think of Android is Google, Android is not actually owned by Google. Who owns the Android platform?
a. Oracle Technology
b. The above statement is and Android is owned by Google
c. Open Handset Alliance 
d. Dalvik

The correct answer is: Open Handset Alliance

In which file, permissions are set in Android?
a. src
b. bin
c. AndroidManifest.xml 
d. None of the given options.

The correct answer is: AndroidManifest.xml

How will you reference abox control in java file, that is available in XML file and the ID is txtName.
a. EditText txtEmpName; txtEmpName=findViewById(R.id.txtName);
b. EditText txtEmpName; txtEmpName=(EditText)findViewById(txtName);
c. EditText txtEmpName; txtEmpName=(EditText)findViewById(R.id.txtName); 
d. None of the given options.

The correct answer is: EditText txtEmpName; txtEmpName=(EditText)findViewById(R.id.txtName);

Which among the following doesn’t have a visual user interface?
a. Activity
b. Service 
c. Application
d. Mobile app

The correct answer is: Service

Android is licensed under which open source licensing license?
a. OSS
b. Gnu’s GPL
c. Apache/MIT 
d. Sourceforge

The correct answer is: Apache/MIT

What are storage options available in android?
a. ContentProvider
b. SharedPreferences
c. All of the given options. 
d. SQLiteDatabase

The correct answer is: All of the given options.

Android is open source true or false?
a. True 
b. False

The correct answer is: True

ExpanD) AAPT
a. AdvanceD) AideD) Programming Techniques.
b. Andromida Access Programming Techniques
c. AndroiD) Asset Packaging Tool 
d. AndroiD) Access Protocol Tools

The correct answer is: AndroiD) Asset Packaging Tool

What Layout should you use in your XML to hold your game view?
a. FrameLayout 
b. TableLayout
c. LinearLayout
d. RelativeLayout

The correct answer is: TableLayout

Symbian OS programming language
a. embedded C
b. C ++ 
c. Objective C
d. Java

The correct answer is: C ++

Which file specifies the minimum requireD) AndroiD) SDK version your application supports?
a. R.java
b. main.xml
c. AndroidManifest.xml 
d. strings.xml

The correct answer is: AndroidManifest.xml

What was the first phone released that ran the Android OS?
a. Motorola Droid
b. HTC Hero
c. T-Mobile G1 
d. Google gPhone

The correct answer is: T-Mobile G1

Suppose that there are two activities in an application named ActivityOne and ActivityTwo. You want to invoke ActivityTwo from ActivityOne. What code you will write?
a. Intent intent=new Intent (this, ActivityTwo.class); startActivity(intent);
b. Both the given options are . 
c. startActivity(new Intent(this, ActivityTwo.class));
d. None of the given options.

The correct answer is: Both the given options are .

SharedPreferences stores the data in which format?
a. DOC
b. TXT
c. None of the given options.
d. XML 

The correct answer is: XML

What is the name of the program that converts Java byte code into Dalvik byte code?
a. Android Interpretive Compiler (AIC)
b. Dex compiler 
c. Mobile Interpretive Compiler (MIC)
d. Dalvik Converter

The correct answer is: Dex compiler

While developing Android applications, developers can test their apps on...
a. Third-party Emulators (Youwave, etc.)
b. Physical Android phone
c. Emulator included in Android SDK
d. All three options will work. 

The correct answer is: All three options will work.

What is an activity in Android?
a. Manage the Application content
b. None of the above
c. Screen UI
d. Activity performs the actions on the screen 

The correct answer is: Activity performs the actions on the screen

Which virtual machine is used for android ----------.
a. Dalvik Virtual Machine 
b. Java Virtual Machine
c. Dex virtual Machine
d. Android Virtual Machine

The correct answer is: Dalvik Virtual Machine

To write files on the external storage, which permission you will write in AndroidManifest.xml file
b. None of the given options.

The correct answer is: WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE

Which file is copieD) to androiD) device to run the application.
a. R file
b. Manifest
c. .dex file
d. .apk file 

The correct answer is: .apk file

Data files cannot store file in below location
a. SD Card
b. Remote directory 
c. None of given options
d. Local directory

The correct answer is: None of given options

What is the permission for using the camera?
a. android.permission.USE_CAMERA
b. None of the given options.
c. android.permission.hardware.CAMERA
d. android.permission.CAMERA 

The correct answer is: android.permission.CAMERA

What was Google’s main business motivation for supporting Android?
a. To allow them to advertise more 
b. To corner the mobile device application market for licensing purposes
c. To level the playing field for mobile devices
d. To directly compete with the iPhone

The correct answer is: To allow them to advertise more

Android Runtime for execution is
a. Dalvik JVM
b. Oracle VM
c. Sam VM
d. Java Virtual Machine 

The correct answer is: Dalvik JVM

Name the base sensor normally useD) by a step counter application in your phone.
a. Accelerator 
b. Gyroscope
c. Barometer
d. Proximity

The correct answer is: Accelerator

What is a  statement about an XML layout file?
a. A file that contains all application permission information
b. A layout PNG image file
c. A file that contains a single activity widget.
d. A file useD) to draw the content of an Activity 

The correct answer is: A file useD) to draw the content of an Activity

An activity can be thought of as corresponding to what? |
a. A Java project
b. An object field
c. A method call
d. A Java class 

The correct answer is: A Java class

Which of the following are not a component of an APK file?
a. Resources
b. Native Libraries
c. All of these are components of the APK 
d. Dalvik executable

The correct answer is: All of these are components of the APK

Computer Graphics - MCQS

A composite transformation matrix can be made by determining the ________of matrix of the individual transformation

Select one:
None of these

The correct answer is: Product

The alteration in which an object is relocated in a minimum distance route from one point to another is called

Select one:
b. Translation 
c. Scaling
d. Reflection

The correct answer is: Translation

Random scan monitors draw a picture one line at a time

Select one:

The correct answer is 'True'.

Personal computer become powerful during the late

Select one:
a. 1950
b. 1970 In
c. 1960
d. 1989

The correct answer is: 1960

GKS stands for

Select one:
a. None
b. Graphics kernel system 
c. Graphics kernel stand
d. Generic kernel system

The correct answer is: Graphics kernel system

The equation of translation transformation will be

Select one:
A. X1=x+Tx,y1=y+Ty,z1=z+Tz 
B. X1=x.sx,y1=y.sy,z1=z.sz
C. Both of these
D. None

The correct answer is: X1=x+Tx,y1=y+Ty,z1=z+Tz

Raster images are more commonly called

Select one:
A. Pix map
B. both a & b
C. bitmap
D. none of these

The correct answer is: bitmap

Pixel can be arranged in a regular

Select one:
A. One dimensional grid
B. None of these
C. Two dimensional grid 
D. Three dimensional grid

The correct answer is: Two dimensional grid

Plasma device converts

Select one:
a. Electrical energy into light 
b. Light into electrical energy
c. None
d. Light into graphical energy

The correct answer is: Electrical energy into light

Raster scan monitors draw a picture one line at a time

Select one:

The correct answer is 'False'.

CRT means

Select one:
A. Common ray tube
B. Cathode ray tube 
C. Caviler ray tube
D. None of the above

The correct answer is: Cathode ray tube

In bresenhan's algorithm error term is reset to ?

Select one:
a. 1
b. -1/2
c. 1/2
d. 0 

The correct answer is: 0

In Bresenham's algorithm, when producing a circle , it is easy to produce

Select one:
a. All octants
b. One octant first and other by successive reflection 
c. One octant first and other by successive rotation
d. One octant first and other by successive translation

The correct answer is: One octant first and other by successive reflection

The transformation in which the dimension of an object are transformed relative to a specified static point is termed

Select one:
a. Reflection
b. Rotation
c. Translation
d. Scaling 

The correct answer is: Scaling

Each screen point is referred to as .........................

Select one:
a.  Resolution
b. Dot Pitch
c. Persistence
d. Pixel 

The correct answer is: Pixel

Two consecutive translation transformation t1 and t2 are

Select one:
A. Additive 
B. Subtractive
C. Multiplicative
D. None of the above

The correct answer is: Additive

The transformation that disturbs the shape of an object are called

Select one:
a. Shear 
b. Rotation
c. Reflection
d. Scaling

The correct answer is: Shear

Reflection of a point about x-axis, followed by a counter-clockwise rotation of 900 , is equivalent to reflection about the line ?

Select one:
a. x = -y
b. y = - x
c. x = y 
d. x + y = 1

The correct answer is: x = y

Types of computer graphics are

Select one:
A. Vector and raster 
B. Scalar and raster
C. Vector and scalar
D. None

The correct answer is: Vector and raster

The transformation in which an object is moved from one point to another in circular pathway around a definite pivot point is called

Select one:
a. Reflection
b. Translation
c. Scaling
d. Rotation 

The correct answer is: Rotation

Why a circle drawn on the screen appears to be elliptical ?

Select one:
a. Screen has rectangular shape
b. Our eyes are not at the same level on screen
c. It is due to the aspect ratio of monitor 
d. CRT is completely spherical

The correct answer is: It is due to the aspect ratio of monitor

The equation for describing surface of 3D plane are

Select one:
a. Ax+ By+ Cz+ D= 1
b. Ax+ By+ Cz+ D= 0
c. Ax+ By+ D= 0
d. Ax+ By+ Cz+ D= 0 

The correct answer is:  Ax+ By+ Cz+ D= 0

Vector graphics is composed of

Select one:
A. Pixels
B. Paths 
C. Palette
D. None of these

The correct answer is: Paths

The equation of scaling transformation will be

Select one:
A. X1=x+Tx,y1=y+Ty,z1=z+Tz 
B. X1=x.sx,y1=y.sy,z1=z.sz
C. Both of these
D. None

The correct answer is: X1=x.sx,y1=y.sy,z1=z.sz

DVST means

Select one:
a. Display view store tube
b. None
c. Direct view storage tube 
d. Domain view storage tube

The correct answer is: Direct view storage tube

The amount of time the phosphor produce light or shine is controlled by chemical composition of the phosphor. This is known as

Select one:
a. Persistence 
b. Resistance
c. Generators
d. None of the these

The correct answer is: Persistence

The ISO standard for computer Graphics is ?

Select one:
A. Graphics Kernel System 
B. Graphics Standard System
C. Computer graphics standard
D. None of above.

The correct answer is: Graphics Kernel System

Plasma panel is an __ device

Select one:
a. Emissive 
b. Non-Emissive
c. Expensive
d. None

The correct answer is: Emissive

Which environ has been one of the most accepted means for computer graphics in business and graphics design studios

Select one:
a. quake
b. graphics
c. Macintosh 
d. multimedia

The correct answer is: Macintosh

Maximum digit or number of points that can be presented without overlay on a CRT

Select one:
a. Aspect Ratio
b. Pixel
c. Resolution 
d. Brightness

The correct answer is: Resolution

Orthographic projection represents three dimensional objects in

Select one:
a. All of the above
b. Three dimension
c. One dimension
d. Two dimension 

The correct answer is: Two dimension

The finest hidden surface removal methods used for complex scenes with more than a few thousand faces is/are

Select one:
a. scan line algorithm 
b. depth sorting method
c. octree method
d. Both (c) & (d))

The correct answer is: Both (c) & (d))

The subcategories of orthographic projection are

Select one:
a. cavalier, cabinet, isometric
b. cavalier, cabinet
c. isometric, cavalier, trimetric
d. isometric, dimetric, trimetric 

The correct answer is: isometric, dimetric, trimetric

All of the following is true about solid models, except

Select one:
a. they are 'watertight'
b. they are typically manifold models
c. they are equivalent to surface models 
d. a CSG model is one type

The correct answer is: they are equivalent to surface models

___________ modeler defines the model with surfaces bounding a region.

Select one:
a. B-rep
b. Wireframe 
c. Primitive
d. CSG

The correct answer is: Wireframe

A ______________ sweep is dependent on the location of the axis/vector relative to the profile

Select one:
a. Path based
b. Revolved 
c. Linear
d. Blended

The correct answer is: Revolved

Which two methods of defining a work plane both define the work plane parallel to a planar face

Select one:
a. Angle and Orientation
b. Through and Offset 
c. Tangent and Through
d. Offset and Tangent

The correct answer is: Through and Offset

In orthographic projection, the projection lines are ______ to the projection plane.

Select one:
a. Parallel 
b. Any of the above
c. Inclined
d. Orthogonal

The correct answer is: Orthogonal

In the term ortho-graphic, ‘orthos’ means

Select one:
a. Drawing
b. Projection
c. Straight 
d. View

The correct answer is: Straight

Orthographic projection is also known as

Select one:
a. Multi view projection 
b. Two view projection
c. Single view projection
d. All

The correct answer is: Multi view projection

The orthographic parallel projection, projection lines are ____ to each other.

Select one:
a. Parallel 
b. Any of the above
c. Perpendicular
d. Inclined

The correct answer is: Parallel

The following is not a principal view.

Select one:
a. Auxiliary 
b. Top
c. Side
d. Bottom

The correct answer is: Auxiliary

A Depth Buffer algorithm is not an _______ hidden surface removal algorithm

Select one:
a. Both
b. Image space
c. None
d. object-space 

The correct answer is: Image space

In the Painter's Algorithm, objects are ordered back-to-front and then rendered in that order

Select one:
a. False
b. True

The correct answer is: True

All the following hidden surface algorithms employ image space approach except

Select one:
a. Depth buffer method
b. Back face removal 
c. Scan line method
d. Depth sort method

The correct answer is: Back face removal